Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weather Warning

Check out this video.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wire wrap it.

Check out @soularchild13's Tweet:

So So Mellow

I would looooove to have this cool chair hanging outside a villa in the V.I.

Knotted Melati Hanging Chair

Thursday, August 15, 2013

13 Love

Check out @da13thsun's Tweet:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


WOke up from a dream about 45-60 mins ago where T.I. was trying to fkk me, and take me back to his room from a bar on Europe.

I was with some females from school, not in this reality, and they were wilding out, I was still pregnant, so I had to stay behind.
That's when he approached, out bar table was filled with shot glasses h expensive liquor.  The club/ bar was like 30 stories high with glass floors and single beams that lead to each designated, booth, or table to drink,.not dance though, it was like a runway.

THe owner came to the table to bring me a bill of the damages & liquor, looking like a DTE SHUTOFF BILL but it was from TMZ.

We got to ENGLAND on a bullet train across the Pacific Ocean. All buildings were in the upper atmosphere, and as always in my dreams, the tracks ( road, freeway) was like a rollercoaster.